Follow Le Continental on Instagram & Facebook!

Le Continental friends and followers,

For the past year or so I’ve posted restaurant reports and photos from my travels on Instagram and concurrently on the Le Continental Facebook page. Instagram is an inadequate substitution for a blog imo for many reasons (weak search and tagging functions on Instagram show irrelevant, unsorted results, to name one reason) but blogs seem to be fading out. It’s too bad that independent, ad-free web sites are being replaced with corporate social media platforms but you have to keep up with your audience.

This web site / blog isn’t going anywhere so please keep it bookmarked for searching its 5 years of posts, which you can do in several ways: via the search box at the top right, using the category selector in the sidebar, by tag, or by searching in Google (for example if you type a restaurant name plus it will come up near the top).

I am tagging relevant posts on Instagram #lecontinental so you can find some that way (mixed in with posts from the Le Continental restaurant in Quebec City and many pictures that have nothing to do with classic restaurants or me).

Please also follow the Le Continental Facebook page because occasionally I share links to web articles, news about classic restaurants, and old posts from Le Continental.

The Jab

NEW mobile friendly Le Continental!

Another new feature to make Le Continental more easy to use, especially while you jet setters are on-the-go! Just load the web site on your favorite mobile web browser, such as Chrome on Android or Safari on iPhone (other browsers also supported) and a simple version of the site loads automatically. Swipe through a slider of recent posts or scroll down to load more. View complete posts with an interactive map. Search the entire site’s post with the magnifying glass or access a menu of pages, including an interactive global map of all posts by location.



While checking out the mobile Le Continental I would like to bring to your attention a handy map feature which has been on the site for a long time but you may not be aware of it (it works on the mobile version, too). When viewing a map in a post if you click on the marker for the place a pop-up appears with options:

  • “Directions to” – naturally, it gives you directions to the place from a start point that you enter (or select My Location to start at your current location)
  • “Zoom” – zoom in to the place’s location
  • “Print” after selecting Directions to – actually, this transfers you to Google Maps in your browser or on your phone with the place selected. If you select Print after using Get Directions your route will be opened in Google Maps.


Hopefully, the new mobile Le Continental will help you find Le Continental-approved dining more easily, no matter where you are!


Introducing new map features

A couple new features on the Le Continental site!

First, a global map of all the Le Continental approved restaurants and bars that have appeared on the site, with popup markers for quick access to the posts. You can access the map from the main menu below the banner image.

Second, a Geo Search function, which is located in the sidebar below the tag selector. You simply enter a city & state (like Los Angeles, CA) or zip code, pick a restaurant category (or choose the restaurants or bars categories for a less specific search), and a distance radius. Optionally, click Find Me to automatically enter your current location to search from. Click Search and a map page loads with all Le Continental locations displayed with a summary list sorted by distance!
Try it out!

I realize that it’s been a while since anything was posted on the site. New things are in progress so stay tuned!