How to Search

Planning a trip? There are many ways to find posts on restaurants for your area of interest (from over five years worth of posts):

  • Type a restaurant name, city, state, country, or keyword in the gray search box at the top right of the site and hit the Enter key (click on the magnifying glass in the mobile version). This works best to find a specific restaurant. Results are shown in brief so this is faster than other methods, but the results may not be as precise.
  • Scroll down to the categories selection box in the right side panel and choose a category. Posts are categorized by country, U.S. state, city or region, and by restaurant type (Polynesian, Pub, Nautical) and/or food type (Continental, French, German). Categories appear in the list in alphabetical order but some categories are sub-categories of others (for example, each city in the U.S. is a subcategory of a state category) so if California is selected the results include the Bay Area, but just the category Bay Area could also be selected to narrow the list down (there is also a Greater Los Angeles category, which includes all the counties in the L.A. metropolitan region) . NOTE: all restaurants that have bars are included in the ‘bar’ category, not just bars. Complete posts are shown after choosing a category, with the most recent on the first page shown but previous posts in the selected category are viewable by clicking on “Older posts” at the bottom of each page.
  • Select a tag in the tag cloud in the right side panel below the categories selection box. The tag cloud shows the most common tags in a larger font with less used tags in smaller fonts. Tag selection shows results in the same way as choosing a category (complete posts arranged by date posted).
  • Use the geo search function, which is located in the sidebar below the tag selector. You simply enter a city & state (like Los Angeles, CA) or zip code, pick a restaurant category (or choose the restaurants or bars categories for a less specific search), and a distance radius. Optionally, click Find Me to automatically enter your current location to search from. Click Search and a map page loads with all Le Continental locations displayed with a summary list sorted by distance!
  • Explore the global map of all the Le Continental approved restaurants and bars that have appeared on the site, with pop-up markers for quick access to the posts. You can access the map from the main menu below the banner image (click on the menu icon in the mobile version).

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